Thursday, December 17, 2009
The True Meaning of Christmas...
Monday, November 16, 2009
It's the MOST Wonderful Time of the Year!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A girl can dream....
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Loving Life!

Friday, September 25, 2009
Things I will miss on Night shift:
1) The people I work these girls!!
2) The slower pace.
3) Never having to wake up early.
4) The extra pay!
Things I am looking forward to on days:
1) Getting my sleep back!!
2) The new people I will be working with!
3) Having a "normal" schedule.
4) The fast pace....the days will FLY by!
5) Going to work and coming home when everyone else does!
6) Not missing out on so much.
7) Seeing the Sunshine waaay more than I used to!
8) New Challenges. (Challenge Extended!)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
26 Candles
Friday, September 18, 2009
How Did I Miss This??!
A few updates with Annie:
God is so good and has brought in more than I could've ever imagined as far as my expenses go for the Amazon Mission trip! I still have a little more to go, but I am not at all worried. Seeing The Lord's faithfulness thus far has humbled me to no end! I can't wait to see what He has in store for this trip.
Only a few more weeks of night shift left. My very last night shift will be September 24th. A little surreal, but exciting at the same time! I am counting down the days!
Jason Mraz was AWESOME! Me and the girls met up with some chruch peeps this week and jammed/danced to his amazing music at Nokia Theatre!
Audrey's 80's Roller Skating Bash is this weekend....should be VERRRRY interesting!!! Party pics coming soon!!
I am super pumped about all the fun TV shows starting these next few weeks! Be sure to tune into Cougar Town on September 23rd. Look for me and Kendall! No guarantees on a sure showing, but theres always the possibility you may see my elbow! haha. Here is a list of the shows I will be keeping up with this fall:
1) Cougar Town...duh!
2) So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD for future reference)
3) THE OFFICE!! (SO EXCITED about this one!)
4) Grey's
5) Dancing With The Stars (always a favorite)
6) Big Bang Theory
7) How I Met Your Mother
Those are just to name a few! Happy Fall Watching!
Stay tuned!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
If you haven't done so already...

It is truly AMAZING and will change your outlook on life!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Exciting stuff!
1) I am going to start working the Day shift beginning in OCTOBER! I am counting down the days until I am "normal" again. (I know I am never going to be "normal", but "normal" as in 'not vampire-like')
2) I am going on a mission trip to The Amazon over Thanksgiving with our Young Single's group. God is good!
Thats all for now....pretty cool, huh?!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
maybe I should....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
It started with My favorite (not just because he is my only, but because he really is the BEST!) Brother-in-Law's 30th Birthday! My sister decided to surprise him at the Rough Rider's game on Friday and it was a great success!! After some worry of it no longer being a surprise, we pulled it off without a hitch! We had fun, food, family, friends, and Baseball (Jason's favorite!) Jason and his friend, Carl, were even good enough sports (which I don't think it took a lot of convincing) to go down on the field and do the hula hoop race! It was a definitely a site to see...especially after they had enjoyed a few beverages! ; ) Happy Birthday, Jason!

The next evening was Judy's, 5oth Birthday Bash! That girl knows how to throw a party! It was in downtown Grapevine at the Palace Arts Theatre. There was everything from a DJ and dancing to Karaoke and even a Photo booth!! Man, were those pics a site to see the next day!! The party was fantastic...I wouldn't have expected anything less from her! Happy Birthday, Judy!
Next on the agenda for the weekend-o-birthdays, the next day (Sunday) was my "Bonus Sister", Samantha's Birthday! Judy cooked, meaning, there was no question we were ALL over there to enjoy her great food and celebrate Samantha's big day. Happy Birthday, Samantha!
To top off the fun, My sis, Kendall, and I decided to enjoy a nice night and live band on the patio at Zen Austin Ranch. It was a great weekend!!!!
HOWEVER, The weekend didn't seem to stop there! Monday night, Kendall, Audrey, and I ventured out to the House of Blues for the Our Lady Peace concert! Here is what a successful concert night consists of: Getting into the Foundation room (something we do every time we visit the HOB), going down to the floor a few seconds earlier than the crowd and grabbing front row to feel the sweat of the HOTTTT lead singer, Raine (a.k.a. Jordan Catalano look alike), and enjoying a surprise guest appearance from David Cook! (Yes, the winner of American Idol! That boy can JAM on the guitar!)
A successful weekend it was!
Friday, July 31, 2009
tagged again....
Rules are as follows:
1. List 10 honest things about yourself that your friends don't know. (This is practically friends know EVERYTHING!)
2. give the award to 7 bloggers.
3. let them know they've received the award.
Here goes nothin'...
1. I am slowly becoming addicted to murder mystery books. (Which is big for me since I am not much of an avid reader, but lately I have been! Sarah, I may take you up on that book club!)
2. I like to change my roommate's status on her Facebook when she leaves herself logged in. She claims I log in to her account each time, but she's the dummy who won't sign out, so she brings it upon herself. Sorry, Audge.
3. I really want a puppy of my own. This may entail waiting until I find Mr. Right to help take care of he/she when I work my long hours. There is, however, no rush in either of these processes...I'm pretty darn happy with where I am and with my adopted puppy, Layla Boo (Audrey's dog).
4. I enjoy taking last minute road trips...the unplanned events always end up being so much fun! (Right, sis?!)
5. I have to have something sweet EVERY time I finish a meal. Even if its a piece of gum...its a must!
6. I LOVE the color GREEN!
7. When I am at the movies I have to work "THE Rotation": Popcorn, Milk Dud, then Diet Coke....not necessarily in that order.
8. I was an extra in Courtney Cox's new show, Cougartown. I played a high school girl. Look for me and Kendall in the Pilot coming on ABC this Fall. Kendi is in L.A. right now and was able to get on the show again! That hoe.
9. My Friends and I say "Hoe" alot...It is a term of endearment, not an take it as a compliment when we call you a "Hoe", HOE! ; )
10. I check on a daily basis. Love me some Celeb gossip!
Now I tag:
1) Sister
2) My Crazies
3) Mrs. Amanda Allen
4) Summer
5) Aunt Shona
6) Gretchen
7) Hollie
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Best Trip EVERRRRR!!!
We arrived in Puerto Rico around 11 PM. It was drizzling and HUMID! But that did not stop us from grabbing a quick Mojito at the hotel bar and (Moms don't read this) walking down the main street of Isla Verde to find the only open Pizza Shop. We were some hungry girls! We definitely ran into some interesting characters along the way, but were comforted by all of the patrol cars on the streets and even police officers inside the Pizza Shop (there, Moms, feel better now?). We chowed down on Pizza and DC (diet coke...DUH!) and it was glorious.
Thursday: Beach Day!!
We figured today would be a great day to get our "bearings" of Isla Verde and booked it to the beach (which was only a block away from our hotel). We laid, swam, laid, enjoyed our Pina Coladas, laid, munched some freshly fried plantains (YUMMY!!), laid, laid, and laid!!!! It was FABULOUS! The weather in PR was high of 90 and always a breeze. Perfect conditions for passing out on the beach. We had one sided sunburns to prove it!
Thursday night, we ventured to a place called Metropol for dinner. It was an authentic Puerto Rican food restaurant that was incredible! We then went to meet up with one of Lindsey's friends from college who was living in PR. We met him and his friends at this place called La Placita and partied in the street with our fellow Puerto Rican locals.
The crazy street!
Friday: Rainforest and BioBay Kayaking!
We enjoyed our free breakfast at the hotel (an everyday occurrence during this trip!) and got picked up by our Rainforest tour Guide, Carlos! Us Texas girls along with a couple from Maine, a couple from Florida, and a mother and daughter from Missouri all piled in our big white van for a tour of the El Yunque Rainforest. It was beautiful! Carlos taught us a lot about certain trees, plants, fun facts, etc. There was a time where I felt like I was on an elementary school field trip, but I didn't mind reverting to the 3rd grade for a bit. After an hour long hike through the forest, Carlos took us to this place called Martin's BBQ for some great food! And booooy did we eat! Carlos made fun of us for ordering so much food (which we didn't really know what we were ordering, anyway, but oh well) and then proceeding to ask for a DIET coke. Sorry, Carlos, we can't curb our addiction! Our running quote for this trip was from our good "Friend", Joey Tribiani, "You're about to see something REEEEAAAL special!"
Us in the waterfall.
Lindsey touching the "prickly" tree!

Overlooking the Gorgeous rainforest!

Kendall and Lindsey enjoying their food and DIET Coke!
The Aftermath...
After our late lunch, we went to the Bioluminescent Bays! We Kayaked through the Mangos and splashed around in the BioBays! It was really neat seeing the water light up when our paddles or hands struck the water. Emanuel, our BioBay Hottie of a tour guide LOVED us! Duh! Us Texas girls are amazing! Who wouldn't love us? He especially liked, Kendall. This was fun to watch! Way to pull in the Latino men, Kendi!
The Powersquad powering up for some Kayaking!
Playing with the Parots after the Kayak!
We woke up SUPER early (6 AM) for our paddle boarding tour of the Reef! The girls surprised me with a zebra cake Happy Birthday song...thanks girls! Our guide, Art, picked us up bright and early and we went to meet up with our other guide, Tanya. They were awesome! We paddled over 3 miles! In the middle of the paddle, we made it to the reef where they let us snorkle around for a while and then made us some "refreshments" right there in the middle of the ocean!
Us on our Paddle Boards!
After our paddle, we ventured back to the hotel pool and laid/napped the rest of the afternoon!
Dinner was at a place in Old San Juan called The Parrot Club. Amazing food is an understatement for this place! After dinner, we went to The Nuyorican Cafe. We were there a little early. Early enough to catch the Improv!! In SPANISH! It was pretty interesting, hard to understand, yet you could tell somewhat what was going on through the acting. Afterwards, no time was wasted in getting the Salsa dancing underway!! Complete with the 8,500 member Salsa band! We met some fun Egyptian friends who tried showing us how to salsa. I don't think it was much of a success. I'm pretty sure we ended up teaching them more than they taught us, but we made do! And had a lot of fun!
Sunday: Otherwise known as "Cross your Fingers Day!"
We decided this would be the day to attempt every mode of transportation in PR to get to our destinations. First was the bus! We waited for, oh, about 45 minutes for the bus to come pick us up and take us to Old San Juan for our lunch at the highly reccommended 'El Hamburguer'. We made it onto the bus, but we weren't quite sure exactly were to get off, so we "crossed our fingers" got off at a stop we thought would get us close to where we needed to be, looked around at the very quiet, very deserted part of Old San Juan and realized we may have gotten off a little to early. Great...juuust great, right??? But all of a sudden, like little puppies (or fat kids), we all started to recognize a familiar smell....what was that?? HAMBURGERS?! Where?! We literally just turned to our right, walked up a hill while following our noses, and ran right into El Hamburguer!!! Jesus really wanted us to find that place. We were appalled at our finding and lunch was amazing!
After soaking in this beautiful scenery, we finally hailed a cab to the Ferry that took us to the Bacardi Factory! We made it just in time for the last tour, and yes, I bought myself some Rum! The tour around the factory was okay. It would have been MUCH better had there not been a terrible screaming two year old and crazy parents changing their kids' diapers IN the museum (not the bathroom, not outside, but Inside the tour itself!) On that note....Parents, WHY on EARTH would you bring your KID to a place that makes alcohol???!! And please, after you get finished changing your child's diaper full of urine and other excrement, do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT dangle the diaper OPEN while walking out of the museum just to find a trash least wrap the diaper up, conceal it in some sort of fashion and be DISCRETE! Yes, folks. This ACTUALLY happened! So it was a bit of a tour ruiner, but we got free drinks at the end which were much needed at that point! Plus, the bartender was HOT and we all switched to his line just so he could serve us our drinks! ; )
From the distillery, we managed to find a restaurant inside of a bridge! We had gone to the Hilton to ask the concierge where we could find a place with a great patio, and he directed us to one fairly close. We accepted the challenge of finding this place. After all, it was cross your fingers day. We had been very successful up to this point, so why stop now?? We had to walk a bit, but we found the restaurant he had told us about. This place had great scenery and GREAT food!! (Do you see a trend here with us girls and our food??) We watched the sunset as we enjoyed our dinner, and it was marvelous!
We started our day off by renting a car and driving to Fajardo. I (yes, ME!) drove, Lindsey navigated while feeding me my bagel and banana breakfast, and Kendall and Audrey sat in the back seat fearing for their lives! We were originally trying to catch the Ferry to Culebra, but the line was days (literally) long, so we decided to go to Vieques instead (which we heard was just as beautiful and it really was!!) The Ferry ride was about an hour. Once we got off the Ferry it was absolute mayhem getting a taxi, but we finally fought and piled our way into one of the vans and headed to the breathtaking beach! We laid in the sun, swam in the ocean, took long walks on the beach, enjoyed some more Pina Coladas, and ate some pizza! Yet another successful day!
It was a long, but amazing day! So, after returning our rental, we decided to fast-food it for the night. We decided on Burger King where Lindsey decided to (and these are her words, folks) "charm the pants off the 11 year old boy in Espanol!"....uummmmm....were our thoughts exactly. Story was that a crazy little PR boy (who you just knew was a little trouble maker and spoke zero English) came into BK and Lindsey strummed up a little convo with him in Espanol. He was our friend instantly...and a cutie he was, but it was Lindsey's comment that made it all so.....awkward?! Way to go, Linz.
Tuesday: Rocaliza Tour! Save the best for last!!
Our tour guides, Diego and Marcos picked us up from the hotel and we headed to the rainforest and El Salto River. There, we hiked, climbed, trekked through rivers, repelled down a 90 foot waterfall and ziplined through the rainforest! It was INCREDIBLE! If you ever go to PR, this is a MUST DO adventure! After all of our activities, our guides had made a little arrangement with a sweet family in a village of the rainforest that made us a truly authentic Puerto Rican lunch! Best food of the trip, hands down! It was an amazing day with amazing friends and amazing eye candy (i.e. Marcos)! HA!
All in all, I can honestly say this vacation was IN-CREDIBLE! I have the best friends a girl could ask for! We had a great time and made even more wonderful memories! We fought back tears on the way home to the Big D, but another trip is already in the works!! YESSSS!!! Look out, World, the "Crazies" may be coming to a city near you!!!