Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year...Want some Treats?!

Yes, I know...its been a while...where the heck have I been???!! Well, lately I feel like I have pretty much LIVED up here at work with a crazy holiday schedule and some overtime this week, but the paycheck is well worth it!

Happy New Year to Everyone! I hope you all had a FABULOUS holiday filled with fun, friends, family, fellowship, and FOOD! I know I've gained my share of the "holiday pounds", but I don't care...for all that goodness, I think it is worth it! Don't you just hate how EVERY single morning show finds some way during the holiday season to "curb the holiday cravings", "Lighten up at Christmas dinner", or show their "Tips and Tricks to a Healthier Holiday"??? YEAH RIGHT! I don't know about you, but not only am I LOADING my plate full of that Turkey, ham, dressing, yams, potatoes (Texas Potatoes in my family!), fruit salad, and rolls, but I am going in for seconds and THEN I am going for PIE!! Mom's famous Chocolate Pie!! (Refer to the posting below!) And as for holiday parties...I am going to try EVERY single "treat" there is...just in case people are talking about it the next day, I don't want to miss out! So those pesky little 90-100 lb. morning show dietitians, nutrition experts, what-have-you can KISS IT! I'm going to have my cake and EAT IT TOO! Sheesh, its Christmas, people! Live a little! Okay...that was my soap box...but who is with me on this?

Speaking of "sweet treats" I think I made approximately 6 batches of fudge this holiday season! I'm going to try to top it off next year with 10...that is my goal. So if you need any fudge for parties or a small gift, I'll start taking orders now. = )

Now, I know you all may be thinking "Geeze, Anna. Can we say fat kid??" But I will have you know that I am back in the gym and watching what I eat (sort of ; ) ) to get ready for summer....Puerto Rico here I come!! Thats all for now....Toodles!