So here is the scoop:
Lately, I have been super busy with work and sleep (yes, it is definitely possible to be busy with sleep). I would have never believed this until I started working the night shift here at Baylor Plano's Oncology unit. Sleep is now more than a necessity, it is precious GOLD! Although, the night shift has its drags (such as "out-of-wack" sleep cycles and lots of turning down evening activities with friends), it definitely has its perks (such as more moola and just a better/slower shift than working days)!
My job is AWESOME! I love it! The other day, I was sitting at the breakfast table (after my shift, of course) with mom (who was on her way into work), and I was "venting" about my work week. Well, not really venting...more just reflecting. I had never actually sat down and thought about how draining my job can actually be. It had been a rough week at work. It was physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually draining on me. Being as though I work on an oncology unit, you can expect that I see some very sad cases, as well as some very up-lifting ones! It had been a week full of a roller-coaster of emotions and I just had to let it out!! I couldn't fight the tears as I told Mom how grateful I was that God lead me in the direction of becoming a nurse. I told her how "big" I thought my job was, and that although it is SO very hard at times, I would not trade it for anything in the world. I cannot begin to describe to you the feeling of being able to help people in such a huge way, because, as a nurse I am not only taking care of patients physically, but also emotionally, and mentally. I am also responsible for taking care of the families as well. I can't count how many times I have had to play teacher, counselor, and even just a friend to loved ones and patients who are in need. I feel that it is God's way of giving me the Will and the Way to shine his light onto others. All-in-all, I love what I do. I love the people I work with and the patients I take care of! No matter what kind of day I have, there is always something positive to reflect on when I get home. There have been countless pride swallowing moments as well as humbling ones that allow me to keep looking on the bright side of things. Because, in reality, any one of us could be on the other side laying in that bed, hoping for a cure and hoping for a miracle. = )
As far as outside of work, life has been great! I enjoyed this summer thoroughly! I was able to spend some quality time with family and friends! Most of which was spent lounging by the pool!

Lindsey and I were able to take a "quick" trip down to Corpus Christi to visit my Keepaw and Aunt Jeanna, Uncle Alan, and cousins! It was fun, but went by way too fast. What made the trip interesting, however, was when Lindsey and I got "stranded" in Austin on the way back do Dallas because Lindsey's transmission went caput! Luckily we have great friends, and Kate and Ben Turner rescued us, then we were able to have a night out on the town with Tandy (Lindsey's best friend). I flew home the next morning so I could make my night shift that night. Needless to say, I was tired, but it was well worth it! = )
That's about it for now....I will keep you updated soon! Signing off:
Yeah for my Annies! I was eating some frozen three cheese ziti marinara the other day and thinking of you and all the good and not so good times we used to have. Anyway- keep up with the good blogging.
yeah sis, I'm happy you're follwing #1 sisters footsteps..I'm so proud! HEHE!j/k
love you!
yessssss I will add you to my "blogs to stalk" list!!!
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