I feel like this summer has already started! This past Sunday, I was able to go to the 'make-up' Kenny Chesney Concert with my Aunt, my Sis and her friends! (And I didn't have to stand in the pouring rain the first time...I just got lucky and have a great Aunt who lets me tag along with her!) Let me tell you that this boy knows how to put on a show!! He played for 3 hours straight and not just all his songs...he even threw some U2 in there as well as other various artists...it was AMAZING to say the least! And the weather could not have been more perfect!!!

This Memorial Day Weekend is getting Summer kicked off to a fun start!! Beginning with the Byron Nelson on Sunday afternoon with my crazy girls and a few other peeps, and hopefully ending with some Pool time if the weather cooperates. I think it will be a fun-filled weekend! As far as the rest of the summer, here is Annie's tentative schedule:
June 11-16th: Beach Camp with Prestonwood's High School Students. I'm VERY excited about this! I am going as the Nurse for the camp, so that is a little nerve-racking, but I think I can handle the beach! ; ) Jesus will handle the rest!
June 21st: Father's day! Love my Dad!! Greatest Man on Earth!
July 4th: I DON'T HAVE TO WORK!! PRAISE HIS NAME!!!! Who's watchin' fireworks with me????
July 8th: PUERTO RICO, HERE WE COME!! What happens in Puerto Rico, Stays in Puerto Rico...we have some pretty exciting adventures planned! We will have to show P.R. what us Texas Girls are all about!
July 11th: MY BIRTHDAY!! WHOOP! A quarter Century...what better way to celebrate than in STYLE, in Puerto Rico, and with great friends!!
Things seem to maybe settle down after that, but so far, it sounds like one fun and action-packed summer to me!!! I'll keep you all updated on these "funtivities" throughout the Summer...that is if I have time considering the wild schedule. Stay tuned!! Cheers!
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