Friday, October 3, 2008

My Happy Place

okay, I'm is a slow night at work. And yes, I am allowed to say "slow" at this part in the night because I am only an hour away from giving report, and jinxing myself now is pretty much impossible. = ) Anyhoo, so this weekend, my Aunt Jeanna is coming into town for Lindsey's shower and my mom's birthday, so mom asked me to clean up the house a bit for our guest! You can only imagine the thoughts in my head.....clean??!!!.......YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

After an incredible workout (to my new ipod tunes...which have, by the way, made my workouts THAT much more fun!) I came home to get to work....I was already on a semi-high after my exhilerating cardio fix, so I was that much more excited about my clean! I started just by doing the dishes, taking out the trash, etc., and before I knew it, Annie was down on her hands and knees dusting floorboards, walls, lamp name it. I was in a zone in which I like to call "My Happy Place"! For those that know know this zone fairly well. You know that once I enter into this zone, there is no coming out of it until EVERYTHING...and I mean EVERYTHING is done!! I even finished three loads of laundry. Now, for those of you thinking....she is friggin' are right....I AM crazy! I absolutely LOVE to clean! It gives me my high, it makes me smile...lets face

So, needless to say, I felt refreshed after my day-o-fun. It makes me think back to the days where I used to vacuum underneath all of my roomies' feet while they were lounging on the couch attempting to watch t.v. over the roar of the Hoover, and following them around the house picking up after their "trails", and even cleaning some of their rooms! aaaahh...those were the good 'ol days, right girls?????

At this may be thinking I am slightly neurotic....that could be true. Some may even call this a "problem"...and some may think of it as being "OCD"....I, however, find it to be simply is that so bad???


Kendall Vinson said...

"please...she always has a broom in her hands!!"

You did not mention your tactic of making your bed while you are still in it!!! That is my fav, I miss you roomie!!!

Sum said...

Anna, tonight I came over to Kendall's room and cleaned it. from top to bottom. It was haunting me all the way in Plano. I wish you were here to help me. Kendall laid on the bed and watched me.